August Upstate District Meeting
August 5, 2008
Meet for Dinner at 5:30 pm.
Henry’s Smokehouse
240 Wade Hampton Blvd
Greenville, SC
Meet for Program at 6:30 pm
Mark Massingill
Ernest Rawlins Studio
726 Wade Hampton Blvd
Greenville, SC
PPSC Merits & Degrees
Jimmy Wood
Have you seen the medals around your mentor’s neck at convention? Wondered why the Print Judges have so many of them? Thought about getting more involved in PPSC but did not know how or why? Wondered how you could become the next SC Photographer of the year?
This program is all about challenging yourself professionally, giving back to an organization that strives to maintain our profession’s credibility, and it may even help you distinguish yourself from the competition.
Jimmy Wood, the official record keeper of PPSC, will take his Midlands talk on the road to the upstate to help us all understand a little bit more about how our participation and involvement in PPSC and the Annual Print Salon can lead to credentials and recognition.
And don’t forget, even if you already know all this stuff—or maybe already ARE the SC Photographer of the year—being in the fellowship of your fellow PPSC members is always an enlightening experience.
I will be out of town next week and will not be at the meeting. If you have any questions or concerns after Friday August 1, please contact Tiffiney Addis,
Let everyone know if plan to attend and invite a non-member too!!!!
COMING NEXT MONTH: September 2, 2008
Bridal Portraits, hosted by Suellen Holmes at her downtown Laurens Studio.